I think the values of a community should set the general rules of how the actions and events or activity should be done. Pekka Himanen put out some interesting rules that should be impactful even on today's standards. Passion: this is the most important value that should be enhanced because it's the moving force for anyone to do any change. Freedom: For hackers this is in their veins they don't want a lot of restrictions :)
Work ethic: Nowadays we see hackers are more organized with there projects and tools than before so the ethics became more complicated.
Money ethic: I think this one is still the same we find hackers sacrificing for the sake of their main goal.
Network ethic: This is important and without it many work couldn't be done and achieved.
Caring: same as the previous one it's having some passion and love for the community.
Creativity: It should be the most valuable one with hacker's life.
Overall I think mos of these values are still and need to be implemented in hacker's lives'.