Google+: When google first launched google plus I thought it would be a good competitor in the social media market and it would beat Facebook especially with the new features and having a big database of already registered users that have google accounts. That was true at first but with bad decisions it and choices it turned out not to be the case. Google plus didn't give the user a full control of his stream they because of the rank based presentation and how the system choose for you what's the best posts to show first and that made the sender of the messages left unnoticed most of the time. The growth of the google plus users because of the project Hancock (which transferred google accounts to google plus users) everybody thought it's an advantage but it turned out to be a big failure with having a lot of ghost accounts that doesn't interact and only exist in the database. All of these helped in the failure of google plus. Vine: It has started as a nightmare blowing for parents and as the most famous platform for teenagers with the feature of looping small funny videos. It created the new celebrities for the youth like logan paul, jake paul and more. The New Yorker put Vine at the center. “A Vine’s blink-quick transience, combined with its endless looping, simultaneously squeezes time and stretches it,” Tad Friend wrote. But, with selling vine to twitter and the rise of Instagram it has escalated very quickly. Suddenly we found vine was shutdown and that's it. One of the reasons of this failure was that Twitter didn't value vine and didn't know what to do with it. Besides the market that doesn't have mercy for anyone It has gone into the void (for good) and it became a memory.
In late January it was announced that Nintendo had ceased production of the Wii U console. The follow-up machine to the hugely successful Wii had sold fewer than 15m units worldwide since its launch in 2012. PlayStation 4 sold more in a year. Wii sold more than 100m in its lifetime. There was a confusion at the showcase of this new product at E3 conference that made a misunderstanding for the community and rumors came after that all this confusion impacted the reputation of the device. It had only two major titles from Nintendo itself which isn't good for launching a new console. The GamePad wasn't good by itself and it was hard for developers to get along with this console. Nevertheless Nintendo learned from this experience and had a perfect launch with the new console Nintendo switch with some features of the old console but with better approach.
[1] Why Google+ failed
[2] Why Vine died
[3] RIP Wii U